
Means Quality and Assurance

The Alberta Camping Association represents organized camps in Alberta that voluntarily meet standards of best practice and safety.  Camps that become members must meet hundreds of accreditation standards and support the association with a yearly membership fee. Camp St, Innocent has been a member of the Alberta Camping Association (ACA) since 2015.  

When Camp St. Innocent was first founded, standards from both the ACA and Department of Camping of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese were provided to us and the highest of each was used as a guide to develop our programs and still guide us today.  

Camp St. Innocent recently became fully accredited under the Alberta Camping Association.  This accreditation also meets the standards and guidlines as set for by the Department of Camping.

Member camps apply for accreditation annually, with formal reviews occurring every three years.  During the accreditation review a camp is visited by an Accreditation Coordinator who reviews every aspect of camp operation and policy. This review includes but is not limited to Administration, Human Resources, Facility, Health and Safety, Vehicles, Equipment, Staff-Client Ratios, Insurance and Record Keeping.  They also review each program we offer, making sure they are facilitated properly and that we are meeting all the appropriate regulations.

Accreditation gives our camp the formal stamp of approval that our clients look for and appreciate.

For more information on the Alberta Camping Association, you can check our their website at